
children collection confidence resilience… This a wonderful and colorful children’s book collection that aims to help them develop their confidence and self-esteem. Vibrant images and carefully chosen words are put together to create a warm and loving literary universe. Created by three heart minded collaborators with the child’s well-being in mind.

children collection confidence resilience

children collection confidence resilience The Choice

Insight/Listening to your intuition

Learning to listen to your inner voice and how to trust it, is learning to stay true to yourself in all situations.
Synopsis: Colin meets Grubber; a gluttonous and ill-mannered racoon. After being lied to, Colin becomes upset and vows to never give acorns again. However, his rainbow of wisdom helps him to realize a very important lesson… that just may help him make better choices next time!

children collection confidence resilience Colin’s Courage

Expressing/Confidence in yourself

Standing up for yourself is not wrong. It is about confidently and respectfully saying what you need to say.
Synopsis: When Colin the oak tree wakes up to find Grubber delighting himself over scattered acorns, the racoon slams his supposedly distasteful snack. Colin’s heart begins to sink with self-doubts. Trying to find solace, he eventually discovers a powerful source of confidence deep within his heart!

children collection confidence resilience Enough is Enough

Self-respect/Daring to be yourself

Developing good communication skills also implies expressing your feelings and needs in a respectful manner, which can sometimes be a challenge!

Synopsis: After a rainy morning, the sun is out and Fluffy wants to play. But Colin wants to rest, hoping his friend will soon quiet down. Growing out of patience, Colin lashes out! Feeling sorrowful, he goes into his heart; realizing that waiting for others to guess our needs may not be such a good idea…

Fluffy Finds his Well-being

children collection confidence resilience Self-awareness/Taking responsibility

Growing up is also about becoming more aware of your emotions and learning to manage them responsibly.
Synopsis: Fluffy is actively preparing for winter… But when things go suddenly wrong, he loses his temper! Wanting to feel better, he intuitively puts his paws on his heart. He later learns the power he can have over his own emotions… and well-being!
Book Collection

children collection confidence resilience

children collection confidence resilience Father Sun and Mother Earth Create Life

Breathing/Finding your rhythm

Breathing is essential to life; conscious breathing is a simple, yet effective way to regain your calm and well-being by finding your body’s rhythm.

Synopsis: Life is what happens when the sun and the earth share their love and grow a garden together. But in order for the garden to flourish, Mother Earth must resort to her heart’s wisdom… helping her to find a wonderful tool in the process!
children collection confidence resilience

children collection confidence resilience Fluffy and the Rainbow in his Heart

Meditation/Finding your inner calm

Each one of us has a peaceful place inside their heart. Meditation is a tool that allows you to find your personal space or to go back to it.
Synopsis: When parts of the garden become sad, Father Sun and Mother Earth start to worry. While investigating the problem, Father Sun finds a sad little squirrel named Fluffy. With love, he then proceeds to teach him about the rainbow of wisdom in his heart… and how to get rid of his darker clouds and find his joy.

children collection confidence resilience Colin Discovers Confidence

Grounding/Strengthening your self-confidence

Growing up often comes with its share of fears and hesitations. Growing solid roots helps to build and nurture a positive self-confidence.
Synopsis: In the midst of a raging storm, an acorn is slung away from his home and into a new life. After enjoying the process of growing into a tree for a while, he comes to realize how unsettling the unknown can be. But with some wise help, he soon discovers his roots and the inner strength he possesses to stand any storm!

self-esteem confidence collection

Colin and Fluffy Become Friends

Knowing yourself/Loving and appreciating

Positive self-confidence and self-esteem are the building blocks of healthy relationships; therefore, learning to appreciate who we are is a treasure for life.
Synopsis: Colin the oak tree and Fluffy the squirrel meet and become friends. One morning, Fluffy doesn’t show up. Colin becomes worried… “Maybe he doesn’t like me anymore!?” But by going into his heart, Colin discovers a treasure even more important than friendship!